From the desk of bestselling business author
Simon Hazeldine Friday 9.47am

WARNING: Do not visit any other website on making money from your own home based business until you have read the complete and shocking truth finally exposed right here...

“When Your Boss Tells You:
‘You Are Going To Lose Your Job’
You Can Laugh Right In Their Face!”

Do you want money worries to be a thing of the past?

Do you want to be able to stop working as a wage slave for someone else and enjoy financial freedom instead?

Do you want to stop worrying about what will
happen if you lose your job due to the recession?

Do you finally want to discover the real truth (that the so-called internet gurus are hiding from you) about running your own money making internet based business from home?

Dear Fellow Job Hater

When you have finished reading this short hard-hitting webpage you will have discovered the hidden truth and the most jealously guarded secrets of the elite internet entrepreneurs.  And be warned: You are going to finally discover the dirty little secrets that they are desperately hoping you never find out about.

They are earning extraordinary incomes because they know the exact process for creating as much money as they want for the rest of their lives. ... And you are going to discover how they have been profiting at your expense.

You are about to discover exactly how they quickly and easily set up powerful profit “pipelines” that pump a flood of cash into their (already overflowing) bank accounts day after day after day without them hardly lifting a finger once things have been set in motion…

And the best part? At last you are going to get the complete inside story of what it takes to do exactly the same.

But only if you stop believing the lies and bullshit you are currently being told…read on to discover more…

If you are interested in finally setting up your own highly profitable, cash generating home business (and avoid being preyed upon by greedy parasites who are only interested in ripping you off and getting their grubby hands on your cash) then this may be the most important website you have ever visited.   Want to know why?

Imagine setting up your very own cash generating home internet based business while you keep your regular job - until you are making so much cash in your spare time you don’t need your job anymore! 

Imagine making so much money that you realise that you just don’t need to go to work anymore.  Imagine writing your resignation letter, walking up to your boss and handing it over. ..

And then imagine walking away free as a bird, with feelings of warm satisfaction that money is flowing into your bank accounts every single day.  How good would that feel?

Wouldn’t if feel good working from home without the hassles and stress of fighting the traffic?  You can start work when you want. Finish work when you want, and take as many breaks (including a long, long lunch break!) as you like.

You will only be able do this if you stop believing the lies you are being told by people whose only real interest is getting their dirty, greedy, grabbing hands on your hard earned money. 
More about these parasites later…

This letter will expose the lies you have been being told.   It will show you the real truth about how you can have the money and freedom you so badly want - and deserve.

You are about to be introduced you to two genuine down-to-earth British guys (no flashy American so-called gurus here!) who were able to quit their stressful (but well-paid) day jobs because they followed a simple, step-by-step process and quickly set up several internet power profit pipelines that now pump cash into their bank accounts on a daily basis.
  • Just one of their many power profit pipelines pumped over £35,000 into their bank account last year...

  • And another pumps £2000 into their bank account each and every month...

  • And yet another delivered a whopping £210,000 in the last 12 months...

Imagine if it was your bank account that this money was flooding into! 
How would your life change for the better?  Just think about that for a moment…

And you are going to discover exactly how they do it, and you are also going to be able to visit the actual live working websites that are responsible for pumping this money into their bank accounts.  This is the real deal.  You will see the proof. Finally you have found what you have been looking for…

You Are Reading This Letter For A Reason…

Maybe you are reading this letter because you want more money.  Maybe you want to work less hours.  Maybe you want more free time.  Maybe you want to be able to provide you and your family with some of the finer things in life...

Or maybe you are reading this letter because you are worried about losing your job and your livelihood due to the recession.  That is understandable because it is a real possibility. And if you lose your job how will you pay your bills?

It happened to me once.  Due to poor business performance of the company I was working for (mainly caused by the incompetence of the highly paid senior management team) I was told I was being made redundant after 18 years of loyal service.  After 18 years I was tossed aside without so much as a thank you...

I vividly remember the feelings on anger, helplessness and betrayal as I paced up and down at home worrying about my future, my family, and how I was going to pay the bills.  And I vowed never to be in the position ever again…

Or maybe you are reading this letter because you want to make some extra cash to pay the bills, go on a nice holiday, to treat your family to some of life’s pleasures, splash out on a new car.  Which would it be for you?

Perhaps like me you want to have the time and money to enjoy some of the finer things in life.  I have used the exact same principles you are about to discover create my own power profit pipelines.

Here are just some of the things I have been able to do because I have the money and freedom to do so….and because I finally stopped listening to the damned lies being forced down my throat…

Last year I took my family to an exclusive resort in the Maldives.  For fourteen glorious days we relaxed on the white sand beaches, we swam, snorkelled and scuba dived in the crystal clear oceans amongst shoals of beautiful tropical fish.  You should have seen the look on my son’s face as he swam alongside turtles and shoals of manta rays!

Here is a picture of my wife relaxing in her favourite way – floating around in a tropical lagoon! 

The Maldives

The sea bungalows behind her are where we stayed.  In the floor of our bungalow was a window that looked down the sea.  When we woke up in the morning we watched the fish swimming lazily by.

Maldives Sea Window

We were waited on hand and foot by the wonderfully attentive staff, eating delicious meals and sipping cocktails as the sun slipped below the horizon...

In fact it was so wonderful that we didn’t go once.  We went twice!  We went back and spent Christmas and New Year on the same island paradise.  I don’t know where you opened your Christmas presents, but we opened ours sitting on a tropical beach whilst sipping ice cold champagne!

And we spent New Years Eve eating a sumptuous meal at tables laid out on the beach.  We feasted on a seven course meal, drank more champagne and felt the smooth soft sand under our bare feet.  And we carried on partying and dancing on the beach until the small hours.

Where do you want to go on your next holiday? 

The Maldives?  Or the Seychelles, Australia, America, Thailand, Dubai?

Imagine striding into your local travel agent and paying cash for your dream holiday.  Where would you go?

What would you most like to do for your family?

The picture below is of my son’s school.  It is one of the most sought after schools in the country.  I don’t have to worry about sending my son to some underfunded, run down state school with huge class sizes.

Grammar School

My son gets the very best education that money can buy and most importantly he is blissfully happy in his wonderful school where he gets some of the finest teaching available.  It costs a small fortune to send children to this school!

I know that I am doing the very best for my son.  I am confident that as a Father I am giving him the start in the life he deserves.

What would you like to do for your family? 
What have they been missing out on?

If you have children where would you like to send them to school?  Or maybe you would like your partner to be able to give up work as well, as you so that you can live a life of fun and happiness together rather than an existence of drudgery and hard work.
Wouldn't you like to be able to do wonderful things for the people you most care about?  Imagine the look of suprise and happiness on their face as you surprise them by bying them the thing their heart most desires...

Where do you want to live? 
What sort of house or flat do you want?

I live in a beautiful detached five bedroom house in a highly sought after village nestling in the Leicestershire countryside.  I have an office in my house - no nasty commuting to work for me!  I am surrounded by beautiful fields and woodlands that are perfect for taking my dog for long leisurely walks.

What sort of car do you want to drive? 

I drive a Mercedes.  I walked into the showroom and paid cash for it.  No loan, no debt. Just a beautiful car to drive around in.  What sort of car do you want to drive around in?  BMW, Lexus, Mercedes, Aston Martin?  And how good will it feel to forget all about car loans, pay for your car in cash and drive it away.  And just imagine the admiring (perhaps even envious!) looks from your friends and neighbours as they wonder how rich you must be to have paid cash for it!

How much fun will it be
to tell your boss:"I Quit" ?

Maybe your dream is to quit working for someone else, to free yourself from the heavy shackles of wage slavery, the day in day out drudgery, and to be your own person with all the freedom and happiness that will bring.

Now please don’t think I am telling you about all of the things I have and have done to show off (well OK maybe just a little bit!) or to impress you.  I want to impress upon you that all of these things and more can be yours but only if you understand…

The mistake 99.9% of people
make with their lives…

Most people spend their entire life trading their valuable time for money.  You go to work and your boss pays you for the hours and days work you do.  Whether you are hourly paid or on a monthly salary you swop your time for their money.

And because of this you have to repeat the same slog day in and day out.  Life as a "wage slave" means that you are consigned to the corporate treadmill for ever and ever. 

Now if, for any reason, you can’t work, if you can’t swop your time perhaps due to sickness, illness or whatever your money will dry up.  If you stop working you stop earning, and you consign yourself to spending the rest of your life on the employee treadmill. And it's hard work isn't it?  Day in day out. Week after week.

The terrifying truth is that according to research the majority of people in the UK can only survive without their current job for a few weeks before they will start to run out of money and experience the hardship that brings.

Or what will happen if you are made redundant?  Or if the business you are working for goes broke?   Then your money will dry up, as you are left without a source of income. Your bills start to mount up and go unpaid, and your debt starts to spiral out of control...

And this is a real possibility. A leading accounting firm has just forecast an 18% increase in the number of businesses going bust this year.  That is 73 companies going out of business every single working day or 18,930 going bust this year alone. That is a frightening statistic. And it could be the company that you work for that is next…

A forecasted 600,000 people will lose their jobs this year.  Every single working day 1643 people will be told that they are losing their jobs, leaving them to join the millions of others in the dole queue, signing on for pitiful amounts of unemployment benefit.

If you lose your job how long can your survive financially?  The pitiful employment benefit you will receive from the government (which seems very unfair after all your years of hard work, doesn’t it?) will not support you or your family…

Even if you earn a lot of money working for someone else you will find that, due to the endless hours of work you have to do, you never have the time or energy to live anything approaching a nice life.  Usually you are too tired from working all week to enjoy your weekends.   As a wise man once said you are too busy earning a living to make any real money.

Either way you are trapped.  But there is a way out....

You are about to discover why and how a tiny
secretive elite minority don’t have
money worries whatsoever...

And do you want to know the secret truth
that they are hiding from you?

The secret that this elite and privileged minority know that the vast majority of people spend their entire poverty stricken lives in ignorance of is…

They don’t trade their time for money!  Instead they have set up a series of powerful  profit pipelines that pump cash into their bank accounts day in day out.  The only “work” they do is to set up the pipeline in the first place.  Then the pipeline pours profits (almost on auto-pilot) from then on...

You are going to be shown exactly (and in very specific detail) how to set up a powerful profit pipeline that pumps money (and lots of it!) into your pockets!  And you will get to go a stage further.  You will be shown you how to set up not just one, but a whole series of powerful profit pipelines that will bring you a constant flow of money for the rest of your life.

You won’t have to worry about enduring a live of poverty when you retire (which is going to be a whole lot earlier than most other people who are shackled to their wage slave jobs for the best years of their life) - you will have your powerful profit pipelines set up and pumping money!

Are You Sick & Tired of Hearing About
Other People Making the Money?

Like you, I had heard about the vast profits being made from the internet. I was very interested.  I was very curious.  I wanted to know more.  I wanted to know if it was possible to set up and profit from a home based internet business.

Oh and by the way I am not going to bore you with the usual “rags to riches” story that you so often see the business opportunity con-artists telling.  You know the usual garbage: They were broke and in debt and then they found this amazing system (but as you and I know only too well it actually turns out to be a complicated and expensive system that only ends up costing you money) and it changed their life..blah..blah..blah.  Yeah right. What crap!

I am a successful bestselling business author.  I research what it really takes to succeed in business. My books have been bestsellers.  As far as my publishers can tell I am the only business author to have two books at the top of the Amazon bestseller chart at the same time.

And my books have been endorsed by successful entrepreneurs like multi-millionaire Duncan Bannatyne from BBC TVs “Dragon’s Den” and multi-billionaire founder and CEO of Dell Computers Michael Dell.   I was also recently featured in the Nat West bank’s business magazine “Business Sense” alongside multi-millionaire “Dragon’s Den” star James Caan and Russian Multi-Billionaire Roman Abramovich!

Bare Knuckle Selling

Bare Knuckle Negotiating

Because millionaires and billionaires are endorsing my business books then that will give you the confidence that when it comes to business I know what I am talking about.

And that what I finally discovered about the secret truth that the elite minority aren't telling you is worth knowing about.  This is not the usual run-of-the-mill work at home nonsense.  This is the real deal...

I am used to working with regular businesses (I have worked with several of the FTSE Top 100 companies as a consultant) but nothing prepared me for what I was going to discover.  It blew my mind…  It was shocking... I found out that I had been lied to...

However before I stumbled on the real truth I spent a lot of time and money.  Perhaps, you like me, have tried to set up your own home based internet business before only to end up frustrated and poorer as a result?

Maybe, you like me, have spent a small fortune on slickly packaged packages all promising to show you the way to money, wealth and prosperity? And all you have ever ended up with is feeling confused, frustrated, disappointed with a great big hole in your bank account where the money used to be...

Are you are frustrated because you aren’t getting the results you want, the results you have been promised?  Do you feel like you have wasted your valuable time and money hoping, just hoping, that the success you want so badly will finally be yours this time?

Maybe you feel frustrated because you really want to believe it is possible but you just refuse to get burned again…

Lies! Lies! Lies!

You are being lied to.  You are being lied to by "so called internt gurus".  Aren't you sick to death of the parasitic "so called internet gurus" lying to you and ripping off your money?  Are you angry at the half-truths, damned lies and plain bullshit they are feeding you?  They promise you so much and deliver so little. They are lying to you…

Finally Revealed:
How the "so-called internet gurus"
are getting rich at your expense...

Plus: How you are (finally) going to
turn the tables on them!

You have been led to believe that to have a profitable internet business you have to buy a huge array of expensive tools, sophisticated systems, software and information.

You are made to feel that you are inferior, and will be left behind if you can’t keep up with a mind boggling tidal wave of latest trends and innovation.

You are trying to keep up to date with the latest development with Google Adwords, you may be feeling confused as you desperately try to master the incredible complexity of search engine optimisation and get ahead of the algorithm changes the search engines make on a daily basis.  Then you are told that now have to master the new phenomenon of Web 2.0, be Twittering, exploit Facebook, upload videos regularly to You Tube, have a website loaded with all the latest technology, set up and update a series of blogs on a daily basis and so on and so on…

As a result of this you feel pressured into buying one slickly packaged and expensive internet marketing “breakthrough” or new fangled and complicated piece of software after another.  Right?  Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

You are being lied to…

These "so called internet gurus" are leading people hoping for a better and more profitable life by the nose.  They are leading people like lambs to the slaughter.  This is a callous betrayal of those hoping to set up their own internet business.  The so called gurus are only interested in taking your money. Period.

They have to keep you confused and hopeful as this is the very best way to get you spending your hard earned money on their expensive products.  And they do it time and time again....

Psst! Want to know a deep, dark, secret?

99% of the products peddled by so called internet gurus aren’t going to work for you...

They do work for the so-called internet gurus, but not in the way you think.  They work for them because they make money by selling them to youThey don’t really care if they work for you.  Once they have banked your money they swiftly move into someone else.

This shameless swindle is robbing
you of your right to a wealthier, happier life.

These complicated products and hugely expensive packages of information (that you will never find the time to use anyway) are a waste of time and money until…
you have the basic foundation set up.

The "so called internet gurus" do their very best to convince you that in some way the internet is different from the real world.  They will spin their slick sales story about how the usual common sense business principles don’t apply to the internet.  Which, of course, they do. Of course they do.  That is just common sense.  However what is common sense is not always common pratice.

Here is the real insider secret that most of the so-called internet gurus don’t tell you...

Building a successful, solid and profitable internet business that will generate profits on an on-going business is very similar to building a house.  "A house?" I hear you say!  "How is building a successful internet business like building a house?"

Well, when a builder starts building a house what do they start with?

Firstly a simple step by step plan.  The plan tells the builder what to do first, what to do second, what to do third.

Secondly the builder ensures that there is a solid foundation upon which you build the house.

Only once this is in place is their any need for anything else.  Only once the rock solid foundation has been built does the builder move onto the next step in the plan.  In this way, in no time at all, the house is built and remains for decades and often hundreds of years.  Unless the house is built on a solid foundation it will fall over!

Building a successful internet business is no different.  Although the so-called internet gurus would try to tell you otherwise…

Let me use a stupid example to illustrate. Imagine that instead of trying to get you involved in setting up your own internet business the "so called internet gurus" were trying to persuade you to get involved in the house building business instead. 

If they behaved in the same way as they do about setting up an internet business the first thing they would do it is to get you to spend a small fortune on some highly expensive high-tech equipment for your house - such as electronic garage doors for example.

“They are the latest breakthrough!” they would tell you.  “Everyone is using them! You can’t possibly do without them! And if you don’t buy them now you will be left behind!”  Sound familiar?

Now as a smart, streetwise house builder you would ignore them because you have far more important things to do first.  It would be stupid to start by buying expensive electronic garage doors before you have followed some simple and essential steps first:
  1. Getting step by step plans drawn up
  2. Getting solid foundations built
  3. Getting the essential structure of the house built on the soild foundations
Things like electronic garage doors obviously come later. Much, much later.  If at all.  Buying them will just waste your time and money.  To build a successful house you follow a proven step by step plan.  First things first.

Building your own money making internet business is exactly the same.  You start with the simple step plan, build the solid profit foundation and then once that is in place you have a business that will make money in the short, medium and long term because it has been done properly.

And doing it properly is usually much, much quicker!  For a start you don’t waste time doing things that aren’t going to help.  As a result you move quickly – very, very quickly – to the stage where the money starts flooding in. Follow the simple steps and your successful internet business will be up and running so quickly you will be astounded!

However, maybe you like me just got too confused to know where to begin.  I have spent a small fortune on slickly packaged, expensive and complicated products.  Most of the stuff I have bought is going out of date and gathering dust on my shelves or sitting unused in a cardboard box in the loft!

Why don’t you stop being confused about
making money in the internet and
bank some fast cash instead?

There is an easier way. And you will be excited when you finally discover how simple it really is!

As mentioned earlier I am going to introduce you to two ordinary, down-to-earth British men who can show you exactly how to siphon money of the internet in seven quick and easy to follow steps

These two men set their business up part time. And once it had grown and was making serious money on a regular basis they both quit their jobs.  They are a proven success story and you will get to see some of the internet sites that these genuine guys are making money from.  And they are making money right now as you are reading this letter.  And these guys are going to show you the truth, the truth that most "so called internet gurus" just don’t want you to know…

Discover the ugly truth that most "so called internet gurus" have been hiding from you...

You can make some serious cash simply by exploiting a tried, tested and proven short cut system.  The shocking truth is that hardly anybody has a clue about how it is really done. ..

If the "so called internet gurus" revealed how easy it really is then they wouldn't be able to keep selling you more and more over-priced and over-complicated products that you just don’t really need (in truth all these products really do is to confuse you further and keep you buying more and more stuff you just don't need)...

But at last all that has changed for you! Through careful research I have managed to find out, in specific detail with nothing missed out exactly how they have been able to siphon money so successfully from their powerful profit piplines.

I now know the exact step-by-step process these successful guys have used to set up a series of website and internet businesses that all sell real, genuine products that they have produced easily and cheaply.  These are real genuine businesses that make money selling products that people are desparate to get their hands on!

Their products are proven winners because:
  1. They are in huge demand which means you can expect huge sales and huge profits

  2. The profit margins are so huge that you will almost feel guilty (and don’t tell any ‘normal’ business person that you make 500% profit margin as they want to throw things at you!) when you see just how much you will make!

  3. You don’t have to hold much, if any stock.  Unlike most conventional businesses none of your money will be tied up in holding expensive stock, freeing it to be spent on whatever you want!

  4. The customer pays before the product is sent.  No cash flow worries. No bad debt. Most businesses are constantly chasing people for the money they owe.  You on the other hand won’t be selling anything until the customer has paid – in advance!  And that will make your business a rock solid on-going money machine and you feel very secure.

  5. It is easy to make your products different from everyone else’s thereby eliminating any competition!  Imagine as business with no competition?  Crazy? Not as crazy as you think when you will discover the secret ‘trick’ to making what you have to offer different to anyone else.  When your customers can’t get what they want anywhere else they HAVE TO buy it from you! And it means you can charge a higher price, which means more money in your pocket!

  6. You only have to do the (easy) work once to get the product set up and then you can profit from it on an on-going basis for ever.  You can stop going to work every day again and again for the rest of your life until you retire or die.  Instead you can do a small amount of work once and then profit from it on an on-going basis with only a small amount of work required (a few minutes a week) to keep things ticking over.  This is working smart not hard!

How would you like to have your very own series of powerful profit pipelines pumping hard cash into your pockets on a daily basis? 

The good news is that your age, experience, knowledge and current income are not important.  Money worries will be a thing of the past.  You will be able to push money worries right out of your life.

You can discover how to put your income on autopilot.   You will discover how almost anyone can make money whilst keeping your regular job.  Keep it until you just don’t need it anymore.

You will be able to go to bed at night with a smile on your face and get a fantastic nights worry free sleep.  And you will wake up in the morning feeling safe, secure and free.

Sick and tired of getting ripped off my the greedy so called gurus?  Discovering the real secret is the best revenge…

So now it is time to spill the beans and reveal all…

Finally revealed:
"The Power Profit Pipeline Process"

As I mentioned earlier have finally managed to obtain some raw and hard-hitting footage of these two down-to earth guys as they spilled the beans to a small behind closed doors audience about exactly – and I do mean exactly- how you can quickly set up several powerful profit pipelines.

And I have managed to squeeze this footage onto two exclusive DVDs for you to watch in the comfort of your own home.

Now before we go any further I want to be 100% honest with you.  This is not some Hollywood style production.  This footage was shot from the back of the room and whilst you will see and hear absolutely everything this is raw guerrilla footage.

From time to time the camera wobbles a little bit and occasionally goes out of focus for a second or two as it zooms in to capture some vitally important detail. 

So if you want high defintion cinema quality widescreen footage don’t buy these DVDs OK?  But if you want kick-ass insider information on exactly how to set up your very own power profit pipelines that pump cash into your bank accounts on an on-going basis then these DVDs are exactly what you need…

And this is not not like anything else you have ever seen on making money from having your own home based business.  This is different. This is the real deal.

Why? Because the first DVD takes you by the hand and walks you through a quick and simple-step-by- step process that will have your business set up and running so quickly it will tahe your breath away.  You will be shown the tried and tested and proven process these two men used to rake in hundreds of thousands of pounds of profit, allowing them to quite their well paid jobs and to live a life of freedom.

For example, you will hear them describe how their power profit pipeline business gave them the time and money to take holidays to Egypt, Athens, Florida, Barbados, the Maldives, France, and Australia inside 12 months!

And what’s more their businesses were still running and making them tens of thousands of pounds in profit whist they were on holiday!  Amazing isn’t it?

And in the next 12 months they are planning to visit (amongst other places) the millionaires paradise of Monte Carlo, Tuscancy, Italy, Mustique, Las Vegas and New York.  Imagine the fun and excitement you will have planning and booking whatever holidays you want in the next year, knowing that as you are talking a romantic gondola ride in Venice, or walking along the white sand of a beach in the Seychelles, or having a little après ski drink after a day on the slopes that your power profit pipelines have been busy pumping cash into your bank account!

Now whilst DVD #1  is worth your entire investment and will pay for itself a hundred times over, DVD #2 is going to expose one of THE ESSENTIAL SECRETS (probably the essential secret) to making on-going profits from your profit pipeline.  Not “one-off” profits but on-going profits.  But more of exactly what this second DVD exposes in a few moments..  Before I get ahead of myself (I do that sometimes!) lets take a closer look at exactly what is exposed by the first DVD in this valuable set:

DVD #1:
"The 7 Essential Steps to Endless
Power Profit Pipelines"

The 7 Essential Steps To Endless Power Profit Pipelines

Here is just a small selection of what you will discover when you put the first DVD into your DVD player, sit back, relax and then listen open mouthed as finally you discover the power of the profit pipeline.  You will discover:

  • How to fit in your profit power pipeline business around your other commitments.  Get started in bite size chunks, in a way that fits in with your current lifestyle (let's face facts most other “part-time” business ideas take full-time hours to set up and run don’t they?).  This means that ever single day you will feel the satisfaction that you are getting closer and close to financial freedom.  Imagine feeling the excitement build as one, simple, proven step builds on the previous proven step.  It’s as easy as A-B-C!

  • The 3 things that stop people even getting started with their profit power pipeline business.  You probably aren’t aware of the blocks that are stopping you from achieving the success you crave so badly.  The shocking truth is that without clearing these obstacles out of your way your chance of success is zero.  Zero.  Once you have cleared these obstacles your pathway to prosperity will be obvious.  After you have seen this first DVD you will feel yourself powering ahead - piling one profitable success on top of another as you build your rock solid financial future.

  • Just can’t seem to find the time to get your business up and running?  Too busy earning a living to make any money? Discover 5 simple ways to create the time to get your business up and running fast!  You’ll feel unstoppable as your power towards your goals! Imagine the feeling as you look at your bank statement and realise you have actually done it!

  • Discover how to create a laser like focus that will guarantee your succes. With incredible speed you will feel the satisfaction of being able to spend you new found money on that thing you now want so much!  This will fill you with the motivation and self-confidence and prepare you for even greater success.

  • Do you possess these 2 entrepreneurial traits?  You almost certainly do or else you wouldn’t be reading this right now.  Most people are never aware of these traits and their good side and bad side.  If you don’t learn to properly manage these powerful traits then they will continue to trip you up and leave you frustrated and back to where you started.  It’s rather like a game of snakes and ladders – focus these entrepreneurial traits properly and you will keep climbing ladder after ladder, achieving greater and greater success.  Be tripped up by them and you will spend the rest of your life sliding down snakes, tumbling over one failure after another with all the frustration and despair that being stuck brings…

  • Revealed: the hidden habit that separates the internet winners from the internet losers.  Stop hoping. Start making money. Kill off the feelings of anger and frustration, the despair that comes from hearing about other people succeeding but never tasting any success for yourself.  Isn’t it about time you started to experience the success you want to badly with all the happiness and fulfilment that will bring?

  • 10 FREE ways to find hungry markets for your products. You can easily find hordes of people who are so desperate for your product that they behave like thirsty people in the desert running towards an oasis.  Imagine you own the oasis!  All you need to do is keep pocketing the cash as one customer after another, rushes towards you to grab what you have to offer!

  • Want to feel the confidence and power that comes from being one of a small group of people who are ‘in the know’?  There is one vital tool that all ‘in the know’ internet marketers know about and use.  This baby gives you the inside track.  It is cheap, it is effective, it is simple to use.  And, most importantly, it puts you light years ahead of the “also ran wanabees”.  All the pros use this tool.  Any wonder they keep quiet about it? Once you have this tool you will be part of the inner circle.  Please keep this one to yourself though.  Lets not let too many people in on the secret ok?

  • Learn how to package and present your products in a way that makes people hungry to buy them and happy to pay a high price (which means whopping profits for you!). Some amateurs package their products in ways that just kill their sales dead.  Whereas other ways can sky rocket your products and open the floodgates to a tidal wave of cash.  You will now with absolute certainty the right way to do this and enjoy the higher profits that result.

  • The vital, vital elements you must have in place if you want to hook your customer’s attention, keep it and turn it into money in your pocket.  These often overlooked elements mean the difference between you being an incredible success rather than yet another “also ran” failiure.  With these vital elements in place you will be able to experience that special kind of joy that begins to fill your body as you see the money rolling in!

  • Imagine if I was to hand you a secret book that contains a specific kind of money making secret used by the multi-millionaire internet elite.  There is such a book.  This is the secret resource that all the internet pros use.  And it is totally FREE!  You are probably ignoring or missing getting your hands on this every day of your life.  This incredible resource allows you to ride on the coat tails of the internet millionaires but only if you know what it is and how to get it.  You’ll feel excited and relieved when you have this free resource by your side.  It will take away the confusion; it will make everything so much easier.  While others are feeling miserable with their lack of progress you’ll feel happily satisfied all the time! 

  • Find out exactly how to drive a constant flow of paying customers to your website.  An internet business without traffic is like having a shop in a litter filled and run down back alley!  No visitors means no money. No money means business failure.  You will learn 14 (yes fourteen!) ways to drive traffic to your websites.  But how many should you focus on first?  The answer is 4. And these 4 will be revealed to you opening the doorway to a flood of profitable paying customers and profits.  While others are feeling miserable with their meagre or non-existent traffic flow you’ll feel happy and satisfied as paying customers keep paying you a visit!

  • How to avoid getting penalised by the search engines.  Learn how to drive traffic without resorting to the stupid tactics that are advocated by some so-called gurus that will only end up with your websites blacklisted and with no way of making money.  You can take control of your business in a way that does not expose it to other people’s whims.  Imagine the feelings of security that come from knowing that your internet profit pipeline is built on rock-solid foundations.

  • Discover the most underused internet marketing technique!  This alone can massively increase your sales.  The reason it is underused is that so few of the so-called gurus know anything about it!  (So much for their guru status then!) Face facts – if these so-called gurus were any good then you would think that they would know about this wouldn’t you?  You will find this technique amazingly effective at driving your profits upwards.  You might even allow yourself to feel every so slightly smug because you know something that hardly anyone else does.  You’ll be one of the smart and sussed people who have the inside track!

  • How to put together (in a few short minutes) a simple but effective mechanic to drive traffic and paying customers to your website. And the even better news is that once you done it once it you can use it again and again!  (You might even feel a bit guilty about how easy this is!  Whilst your family and friends are working hard to make ends meet you will be working smart.)  It won’t take you long to realise that those that work smart make more money than those that work hard.  You’ll sit back in your chair and laugh out loud once the penny drops and you realise how clever this system really is!

  • Discover how you can have someone else do (almost) all of the work while you take all the profit.  Seems too good to be true?  You won’t think so when you know how it is done and how you can copy this strategy easily.  With someone else doing the work (for an amazingly low cost – trust me you’ll be shocked). You can focus more of your time on making money.  That is what is so great about this business – all you have to do is to set things in motion and then count the money!

On This DVD You Will See The Actual
Websites That These
2 Guys Are
Making Money From Right Now!

That’s right - you will see them and you will be able to visit them yourself.  How many other so-called gurus actually let you see their actual, working, money-making websites? 

You will have the inner confidence that you are learning from people who know what they are talking about and, most importantly - can prove it. Have the total confidence that you are about to copy proven success principles.  Learn from some true professionals, gain from their tried and tested and proven methods and feel the thrill as you finally get what it is that you most want!

Now if you thought DVD Number One spills the beans on making wads of cash from your very own profit pipelines then hold on tight because we have only just started!  Because DVD Number Two is going to show you how to set yourself up financially for life….

DVD #2:
"Creating Your Very Own
Endless Profit Goldmine

Creating Your Very Own Endless Profit Goldmine

This information packed DVD exposes and details insider knowledge that will allow you to create a series of profitable and (most importantly) on-going profit pipelines.

This DVD will show you in explicit detail the one thing that all the truly professional internet marketers concentrate all of their time and energy upon as it is THE KEY TO ONGOING PROFITS and WEALTH.

This DVD shows THE essential focal point for your efforts:  BUILDING A PROFITABLE LIST OF CUSTOMERS.

How often have you seen so called internet gurus offering to sell you expensive product licences that you can (allegedly) then sell on your self?

Do you want to know the real truth:  This is a complete and total waste of time and money – until you have a good customer list to sell them to. 

The secret is that THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST.  Once you have a solid customer list you can sell to these people again and again.  A good list means good profits.  A good list is like having your very own goldmine that you can visit time and time again – coming away with cash in the bank every time you do!

But this DVD is going to go one step further.  It show you in explicit detail how to build a profitable customer list AND it will show you how to profit from it as you are building the list.  This is like having your cake and eating it!

And don’t think that you have to have some huge customer list to make big money.  Remember the amounts of money mentioned earlier in this letter?  They were all generated from customer  lists including:

•    £35,000 generated from a list of just 278 people!

•    £2000 banked each and every month from a list of only 69 people!

•    £210,000 made inside 12 months from a list of just 603 people!

So you can see that you only need a few names on your list to make some big money.

And the wonderful news is that you don’t just make money once from your customer list.  You can make money time and time and time againA good list can set you up financially for life.

With a good list (or even better a collection of lists!) you will feel confident and in control of you life, knowing that whenever you choose you can use your list to generate the cash you need to pay your bills, enjoy a holiday or indulge in whatever you fancy!

Imagine being able to walk into the travel agents and book a holiday to wherever you want.  Or imagine walking into the car dealership and selecting the model you want and driving away with it (Your neighbours will be wondering how you can afford yet another new car - they might begin wondering if you are a drug dealer!!)  or going shopping with zero concerns for how much you spend.  You see something you want, you buy it without a second thought.  Now how good will that feel?

When you begin watching this DVD you will feel excited at all the things you will discover.  And as you carry on watching your excitement will build and build as one killer secret after another is revealed to you.  Here are just a few of the powerful secrets exposed:
  • Killer techniques to build a list.  You will be shown not just 1 way, but 14 ways to grow your own list.  And you will be able to avoid the amateur list building mistakes by learning exactly how the pros build not just one but many highly lucrative lists that you can profit from.  It will be a fun and liberating experience for you!

  • Discover the top 7 most effective list building techniques.  Get focussed on these and you will see your list grow and grow.  And you will see your profits grow and grow.  Imagine the feeling of security and safety that comes form having a daily, weekly, monthly flow of liquid cash pouring in from your lists.  Unlike others you can forget money worries and look forward to a safe, secure, relaxing golden future.

  • Exposed! The missing step that the so-called gurus often neglect to tell you.  You need to do something very specific with your list once you have it.  This simple step means the difference between success and failure.  Too many people get frustrated and angry that they just can’t seem build a responsive and profitable list.  Now you will be one of the expert professionals who make profiting look so simple and easy.  Because you’ll have the confidence and ability to turn any list into a powerful profit pipeline by correctly applying this principle.  People may ask you what your secret is.  And you know what?  You just might not want to tell them…

  • How to get more and more people joining your list.  You will see in explicit detail exactly how these two highly successful guys go about getting people onto their lists.  This is the vital key: Getting people to want to join your list so that you can profit from them.  You will be shown EXACTLY what to do.  Nothing will be left to chance.  No confusion, no uncertainty, no head scratching – you will become one of the professionals who captures names to profit from like a champion fisherman who lands juicy big fish after juicy big fish!

  • Learn of 4 highly powerful ways to INDUCE people to give you their personal details.  With these tactics in your “toolbox” you’ll have people signing up in droves.  Whilst others struggle you will rapidly build your list enjoying the satisfaction of checking your list numbers every few days only to excitedly discover that more people have signed up than you could ever hope for in your wildest dreams!

  • How often to communicate with your list.  Get this wrong and fail.  Get it right and succeed.  Amateurs screw this up and make their list worthless (which is like setting fire to a huge pile of twenty pound notes – ouch!). Professionals get this spot on and maximise the profit from their list.  After watching this DVD you will be able to plan your communication correctly, spending a few minutes “working” every week with the confidence that can only come from knowing that you know what you are doing!

  • The 4 things you must get every potential customer to give you.  Discover what these are and why you must, MUST, MUST capture these.  Why work hard?  Work smart. Multiply your success by a factor of 4. Be smart!

  • 5 things to do with customers to maximise the money they send you.  By leveraging these 5 things you can squeeze every possible profit from your pipeline.  Don’t leave money on the table for others to grab. Rip it from your pipeline and get it paid into your bank account.  You’ll be like a voracious hunter making sure that no money is missed.  You’ll have the confidence to spot it, seize it, bank it…and enjoy spending it!

  • How to seduce your customers into buying from you.  Some of the big, big money will require you to "seduce" your customers.  With the step-by-step process exposed on this DVD in place you can set about seducing and profiting from your customers with ease.  As your customers fall under your spell you can smile in the certain knowledge that you will be enjoying a long and profitable relationship with them.

  • The 2 power principles that are vital to you achieving the wealth you so badly desire.  (You won’t learn these from the so called gurus as they don’t really want you to succeed.  Because if you do you won’t need to buy any more of their expensive crap.) At Last! Now you can really put the pedal to the metal and power your way to prosperity.  With these 2 power principles you can feel the inner certainty that comes from knowing you are going to succeed. Time and time again!

When you have watched these DVDs you will know exactly how to start, set up, and profit from your very own Power Profit Pipeline business...

You will be able to do what these two down-to earth guys did:
  • Quit your day job whenever you want to.  You can keep your day job for as long as you like, working secretly on your Power Profit Pipeline business until you are feel 100% comfortable and confident that you don’t need it any longer.  Then you will be free to live the life you choose, doing the things you want, when you want!  Imagine waking up in the morning feeling secure, feeling free, knowing the day is yours to do with as you please...

  • Enjoy a leisurely start to your day whilst everyone else fights their way through the traffic.  Spend cold, rainy dark winter mornings tucked up in bed instead!

  • Imagine the joy, freedom and pleasure you will experience as you finally find a way that makes you money 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  You’ll feel both excited and relieved that you now know what really works.

  • Wake up at a time that suits you,  wander to your computer whenever you are ready, and see how much money you have made.  Just check it every now and then – you will never get tired of seeing money flowing in your direction.  Just be warned that you may find yourself wanting to check it more and more often!  Getting another series of emails telling you that you have made another bucket load of cash is wonderful!
And you can do this now because you have the good sense to stop listening to the flashy so-called internet gurus and get these down-to-earth DVDs that will finally show you the way to financial freedom.

At this point you my have a question you need answering.  Quite rightly you want to know why if this is so successful why am I selling it to anyone else? Why don’t I just keep it all to myself.  Good question.

I am making money from my own series profit power pipelines.  However (and let me be brutally honest with you) I can make some extra money selling these DVDs to you without it affecting my existing businesses at all.

That is just one of the many things that make this business so great – because you can set up your own unique profit power pipelines it is virtually impossible for anyone to compete with you!  The market is so vast that we can all make good money (and I do mean GOOD money!) unlike most other business where you have to fight and struggle against competitors.

So you get to have the essential secrets to setting up and profiting from your very own series of power publishing profit pipelines and I will make a profit from selling these DVDs to you. Isn’t that a fair deal?  Of course it is.  And you can have the confidence of dealing with someone who is being 100% straight with you.

And I hate the phoneys and rip off merchants as much as you do.  By debunking the myths and by exposing the lies I can hit back at them and damage their ability to profit from their deceit.

So when you get these DVDs you will be one of the few people to really understand how this business really works.  You will firstly understand the 7 simple steps you need to take one to build one profit power pipeline after another and secondly how to create your very own goldmine – your customer list.

But I want to go even further.  I want to guarantee your success even more.  I want to make sure you have a complete and total understanding of this amazing business and what it can do for you. And I want to give it to you absolutely no cost to you:

Your Valuable Bonuses
Worth Over £50.00 -
at Zero Cost to You!

“The Secret Insider 5 Vital Profit Principles”

Secret Insider 5 Vital Profit Principles

Value £34.95

Inspired by what I learned from watching these power packed DVDs and from conducting extensive research (including interviewing several leading experts not the so-called gurus who don’t really understand this business properly) and attending a lot (and I do mean a lot!) of very expensive seminars I discovered that the same 5 Vital Profit Principles kept on coming up again and again.

These 5 Vital Profit Principles were common across the people who succeeded.  They underpin the 7 step process you will see on DVD Number 1.  They are the driving force behind the list building secrets on DVD Number 2. They are the missing piece of the jigsaw that you have been looking for...

What I discovered was that 99.9% of the products, training seminars, tele-seminars, video and audio materials available on the subject of internet marketing were all really, fundamentally about these same 5 Vital Profit Principles.  Underneath all the hype and confusion it is always the same 5 Vital Profit Principles that deliver the big bucks.

When the penny finally dropped (it can take a while for me sometimes!) I had something of an “Aha!” or “Eureka!” moment.  These 5 Vital Profit Principles underpinned the comprehensive success system outlined in the two DVDs!  They are the principles on which all successful internet businesses are built on!

And what’s more these 5 Vital Profit Principles cut through all of the crap and the confusion.  These are the 5 Vital Profit Principles you need to have in place to make your profit power pipeline business a massive success!

These five principles are like having a money map. They show you exactly where the money is going to come from so that you can grab it!

These are the principles that all of the real successful professionals use.  The two DVDs expose you to the step-by-step tactics to use to make your internet profit power pipeline business a big success.  The 5 Vital Profit Principles underpin the tactics.  They are, if you like, 5 pillars that support and enable your business to prosper.

So I went into a studio and recorded these 5 Vital Profit Principles for you.  And I have had them put onto a CD that you can listen to in the comfort of your home, your car or transfer them onto your IPod or MP3 player so you have these 5 Vital Profit Principles at your fingertips. 

And I want to give these to you at zero cost to you when you order your Profit Power  Pipeline 2 DVD set right now.

This CD will save you years and years of confusion and cost.  These 5 Vital Profit Principles cut straight to the chase and expose the 5 drivers of profit in your profit power pipeline business.

You will be light-years ahead of other
people in your understanding
You will understand exactly how
money is made from the internet...

What are these 5 Vital Profit Principles?  You will discover them for yourself when the CD arrives with your DVDs.  This CD is my own creation; it is not available anywhere else.  It is a 100% exclusive. The full and complete copyright rests with me alone.

And I am only making 100 copies of this CD available at no cost.  This is an introductory offer at the start of my promotional campaign for the "Power Profit Pipeline Process DVD Set". 

Due to the power of the insider secrets this CD reveals I will soon be launching the 5 Vital Profit Principles as a stand alone product in its own right priced at  £34.95.  So once the first 100 copies have been given away at zero cost as part of this introductory offer for the "Power Profit Pipeline Process DVD Set" this offer will be withdrawn. So take action now to avoid missing out.

“How To Up Your Profit in a Down Economoy”

114 Tips, Techniques, and Tactics To Kick-Start Your Cash Flow, Boost Your Business, and Pile Up Your Profits — When Other Businesses Are Struggling Just To Survive!

How To Up Your Profit In A Down Economy

Value £19.95

The great thing about having your very own Profit Power Pipeline business is that it generates a flow of cash whatever the economy is doing. Indeed it is the sort of business that does even better when times are hard!

Despite all of the doom and gloom on the television, radio, newspapers and news websites many, many businesses are doing incredibly wellThey know exactly how to turn a down economy to their advantage.

They understand what is going on inside the heads of their customers or prospective customers and they use and manipulate this to their advantage.  And now you can do exactly the same with this goldmine book that exposes 114 killer tips, techniques and tactics that you can use to boost your business!

Here is just a tiny fragment of what you will discover:
  • How to create a “high value perception” in the mind of your customer that will enable you to charge higher prices, which means more money in your pocket.  Imagine increasing your prices again and again and seeing even more money rolling in!

  • How to maximise the money you make from each and every customer.  Discover how to squeeze every possible profit from all of your customers.

  • How to spot new marketing opportunities everywhere!  You will be amazed, excited and astounded at the abundance of opportunities to grow your business once you understand this principle.

  • How to stand out from the crowd and make more money.  Don’t disappear amongst the sea of also ran businesses – stand out and prosper!

  • How to make it easy for people to spend money with you.  Far too many businesses put invisible barriers between themselves and their customer’s money.  Once you understand what these barriers are you will not make the same mistake.

  • How to hit people’s emotional “sweet spot” and get them buying.  You will understand exactly what triggers people to start spending money with you.

  • How to add one powerful element to your marketing that makes people feel connected to you, and want to spend their money with you.
With this powerful book in your library you will be able to increase your business profits whatever the economic climate!

And you can only get a copy of this hard hitting book when you order your very own copy of The Profit Power Pipeline Process DVD Set.  Let's take a look at everything you are going to get your hands on!

Here is Everything You Are Going to Receive:

The Power Profit Pipeline Process Package:

DVD #1:
"The 7 Essential Steps to Endless
Power Profit Pipelines"

DVD #2:
"Creating Your Own
Endless Profit Goldmine"

Two Powerful DVDs

This powerful DVD set will tell you everything you need to know to set up your own series of power profit pipelines that will pump profits into your bank account in a way that will set your heart racing!

And when you take action now and respond immediately you will also receive at absolutely zero cost to you:

Exclusive CD
“The Secret Insider 5 Vital Profit Principles”


The Secret Insider 5 Vital Profit Principles

A £34.95 Value at Zero Cost To You!

This CD exposes the 5 killer principles you must know if you want to achieve financial freedom

Your Very Own Hard Hitting Copy of
 “How to Up Your Profit in a Down Economy!”

How To Up Your Profit In A Down Economy

 A £19.95 Value at No Cost To You!

You will discover 114 Tips, Techniques, and Tactics To Kick-Start Your Cash Flow, Boost Your Business, and Pile Up Your Profits — When Other Businesses Are Struggling Just To Survive!

When this bumper bundle is securely delivered to your door, you will have in your hands the essential killer secrets to setting up and profiting from your very own Power Profit Pipeline business...

The Complete Profit Power Package

  • A business that will put hard cash into your pocket – and fast...
  • A business  that will give giving you the freedom from worry about losing your job...

  • A business that will give you freedom from anxiety about paying your bills...

  • A business that will give you the  freedom of being a wage slave spending the best years of your life on the corporate treadmill...

  • A business that offers you a life of freedom, abundance and the time to do whatever it is that you choose to do with your life...

If you wanted a days consultancy from the two genuine experts featured on the Power Profit Pipeline DVD set then they currently charge £4995!

If you wanted a two hour telephone consultation then they currently charge £1000!

If you wanted a ticket for one of their seminars then they currently charge £1297!

But now you get several hours of them exposing the key principles you must know on DVD for only £67.00.  Yep! That’s right, just £67.00.

Your investment in your new future is only £67.00 which is a fraction of what it would normally cost to benefit from their wisdom.

And when you take action now you will also receive your two
valuable bonuses (that you will remember are not available anywhere
else) worth £54.90 at zero cost to you!

Plus you can order with complete and total confidence because:

My 100% Risk Free
Money Back Guarantee to You

When you get these DVDs you become one of my customers.  And if you’re not happy, it looks bad on me. So if you’re not happy with what you discover from The Profit Power Pipeline Process Package then I don’t expect..or want…to keep your money.

Just simply return the DVDs to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full (in fact I’d be embarrassed to keep it).  Okay?  So you can only win, can't you?

Take Action Now!

In a few short days you will have:

Discovered the real truth (the shocking truth that no-one else is telling you) about running your own money making internet business from home.

This truth will leave you feeling secure, free and happy..

Never again will you have any fear of losing your job…

You will be able to kiss goodbye to a lifetime of wage slavery

You will set yourself firmly on the road to financial freedom with all the happiness and joy that will give you…

Because of this you must take action now!

Just click here now to order via our ultra-secure facility


Or click here to download an order form that you can print and post

It is time for you to choose….

A life of financial freedom, of getting out of bed when you want, having the time (and money!) to spend doing the things you want to do, having the money and time and freedom to be with the people you most want to be with, being empowered to finally step off the wage slave treadmill forever…

Or to continue as you are, working hard for someone else’s benefit, being worried and anxious about paying your bills, managing your mortgage or losing your livelihood because some faceless senior fat cat manager decides to “make some changes”… doubt mainly to feather their own nest.

You are different to the run-of the-mill person or you wouldn’t be spending your time looking for answer, you wouldn’t be reading this letter.  The answer you have been looking for is now here.  You have found what you are looking for…

The choice is yours…take action now.  Action is the key to a brighter, safer, happier, freer future for you and those that are important to you.  Do it now. In a few short weeks when your power profit pipelines are pumping wads of cash into your bank accounts you’ll be very,very glad you had the good sense to take action now...

Kind Regards

Simon Hazeldine

Simon Hazeldine
Bestselling Business Author, Business Performance Consultant & Publisher

PS By taking action now you will discover the most jealously guarded secrets of the elite entrepreneurs.  You are about to discover how they quickly set up powerful profit pipelines that pump a flood of cash into their already overflowing bank accounts day after day after day without them hardly lifting a finger once it has been set in motion…

PPS By taking action now you will make sure that you don’t miss out on getting your very own copy of the exclusive and valuable bonus  “The Secret Insider 5 Vital Profit Principles” at zero cost to you!  This explicit CD finally exposes the essential secrets that the "so called internet gurus" are praying you don’t find out about...

This bonus is exclusively available from  me and only 100 copies are available and they have already started to fly out of the door.  Don’t miss out – take action now to make sure you succeed in getting your copy…

Simon Hazeldine

No Limits Publishning
1 Dexter Close
Quorn, Loughborough, Leicesterhire, LE12 8EH, United Kingdom
Telephone: 01509 416942

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